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WP Translation Service

Leading Business & Corporate Translation Services in Dublin & Ireland
About Us

Our world is increasingly multilingual and multicultural. It isn't made up of only one country or one language, so why should your business limit itself?

We've all heard the saying about business, if you're not growing - you're dying. So expansion quickly becomes necessary. As a business grows, it needs to branch out into international territory. Some of the best locations to consider expanding into, however, are non-English speaking, as they have huge markets that are full of opportunity.

This means that your business will need to enlist the help of a certified translation service. This type of professional translation service provides much more than just translating your documents from one language to the next, word for word. Instead, they understand both cultures and are able to translate the true meaning of the words on the page.

When Opel/GM introduced the Nova into the Spanish market, it immediately became a huge joke, instead of the overnight success that they'd hoped for. This happened because of a translation issue. The name Nova, when translated into Spanish, "no va", means, quite literally "it doesn't work". This drastically affected their sales and overseas business, and made this model of car a joke in Spanish speaking countries. A skilled translations service allows your business to avoid making this type of embarassing error.

Don't make that mistake in your business.

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